Since 1991, Grants International
has saved thousands of Canadian
families and businesses over $75,000,000.
What our Clients are Saying:
How Much Time Will This Take Me?
The Grants International 1 Hour Refund Process

We will take you through our refund process over the next few months and if all goes well, you should not have to spend any more time than the following:

Fill out and fax back the Service Agreement. 15 minutes
Sign letters and applications going to the Government. We prepare these for you. 10 minutes
Review the circumstances of your employment with a GI Customer Support Specialist. 15 minutes each
Participate in a telephone interview. We prepare you for this.
10 minutes each
Sign final refund application to get your EI Refund. We prepare this for you. 10 minutes
Total time commitment for you over the the next 3-9 months:
1 Hour